Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vegas - Exploring the Obsession

Those that know me (well, not well, peripherally, you've met me once and I friended you on Facebook) know that I am completely obsessed with Las Vegas.  If not for the fact that I have limited funds and vacation days, I would go there as often as possible.  I joked more than once that I should just move there (which I won't because I wouldn't last a month but I digress).

So, why Vegas?  What's so great about it?  Let's explore, shall we?

First of all, I can't say I love it because I've consistently won a substantial amount of money when I'm there - it isn't like I'm a high roller who can be up thousands of dollars at a time.  Usually you'll find me camped out at the penny slots drinking either a Bud Light or watered down vodka cran.  My most recent trip I did win $342 by putting a five in a quarter slot and winning on my second hit but that rarely (or never) happens.  Most of the time I lose $40 or $50.  So it's not the money factor.

Although I do love gambling.  I'm not sure why.  It's something about the lights, noise, and unlimited supply of drinks.  I could be happy staying in the casino 24/7.  I don't need the shows or dining (though both are fabulous I haven't eaten at any high end restaurants and the only shows I have seen involved male strippers so pretty much I'm saying I don't go there to eat at Emeril's and watch Celine Dion belt out my Heart Will Go On for $200 a pop).

Three of the four times I've gone, the weather has been nice enough to get in some serious pool time - so that's one reason: the plethora of pools and the great weather (the second time I went barely counts anyway because it was for one night with my mom when I was moving here from San Diego).

The company is another reason.  The third and fourth times I went were an absolute blast - just was with the best group of people and that really contributes.  The combo of company, weather and Bright Lights City never disappointing all contribute to my freak-like obsession.

So, who wants to go, and when?

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