I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. On the one hand, it's super addictive and not going anywhere and there are so many things you can learn from other people. On the other hand, it reminds me of an AOL chat room. Seriously. It's just one giant conversation going on in front of you, and if you want to take things offline you can't even do that unless the person you're following is also following you.
But then on the third hand, it's a way you can connect with people you'd otherwise never meet - for me specifically I enjoy chatting w/sports writers and the random people I've meet "through" them, so to speak.
But on the fourth hand there are some really fucking creepy people on Twitter, just as there were in AOL chat rooms when those first exploded (hash tags are the new A/S/L, am I right?). But on the fifth hand, creepy people exist regardless of whether or not they are on Twitter.
Gawker had an amazing article about types of people to unfollow and I honestly feel like I fall into at least two of their categories (over-user, in-joker & my own category called the cryptic tweeter) but yet I have no intentions of changing who I am. Follow me or don't.
I already deleted my account once but then wound up rejoining. Ultimately, I think I'm in this for the long haul. There are just too many interesting people with too much insight for me not to be -- but forgive me if at times I'm frustrated with some aspects of it (like TMI tweets or things that make no sense or all the random porn spam I get because let's face it, all these things are inevitable).
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