Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here we go

For the past (almost) three years, I've been talking about running a half marathon.  I have spectated enough of them at this point to think, "hey, I could, and SHOULD do that."  Not just because my friends do them, but because it would be something that is good for me, that I can focus on, and may detract from the mounting depression I'm feeling over turning 30.  I mean, don't get me wrong, age is just a number, if you think about it, but I seem to know lots of people who are further along in life that are my age or younger, making me feel like a big, fat, failure.

I've been so engrossed with my new job that it's detracted away (in a minor way, of course) from my rabid obsession with college basketball.  I mean, I recently had to CHECK the Villanova web site more than a DAY after a completed game to see if they'd won.  Shameful.

But, I've also been busy:  between Vegas for Christmas (yes, Vegas) and Denver last weekend, I've had a lot going on...obviously, since I vowed on May 26th to blog every day for a year and about two weeks in gave up and went about my merry way.  

The whole purpose of this blog was to look back on the last year of my 20s and hope to see great experiences and some sort of progress in my life that doesn't involve my ability to hold down shots of Jameson (which, p.s., is not really an ability I possess).

So, to catch everyone up: summer was full of weddings, travel and being outside.  Fall involved getting my new job - in fact, how that came about was left to fate: I was supposed to visit my friend Amanda over Labor Day weekend to help her with Audrey while Nick was in Ann Arbor.  Well, the baby got sick, and since most of my close friends were out of town, I found myself bored and at home that Saturday (disclaimer: I actually had a great weekend connecting with friends I hadn't seen in a while so did not spend the entire weekend wallowing in self-pity).  Decided to look for jobs.  Found mine.  Applied.  And my new boss responded the same day, which set the chain of events in motion.  I could not have asked for a better opportunity, really, and am so excited for what 2011 holds for me, career-wise. 

The end of 2010 came really quickly.  The days just keep flying by faster and faster.  When I was 18, I used to say, "I don't want to wake up 40 and alone," which is quickly becoming a reality since I can't seem to get my act together and attract dudes who a) have a soul and b) actually like me, though I hope those are not mutually exclusive qualities.

I'm looking forward to training for the Chicago Spring Half Marathon on May 15th, running it with Katie, Megan and perhaps a handful of others, and doing something I said I'd do, finally.  Wish me luck!

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