Transformers 3 is apparently filming downtown. I haven't seen the first two movies so I don't really care that much but it's definitely cool to live in a city where so many movies are filmed, such as the following gems:
While You Were Sleeping - Sarah and I like to watch the movie to point out the geographical inaccuracies and I think our main mission in life is to figure out where Sandra Bullock's apartment was (we think Logan Square).
My Best Friend's Wedding - I watched this movie w/a group of people including my friend Ryan, who I had just told I wanted to date. We watched the movie, then he was all, "just want to be friends, sorry." Yeah, not the movie to watch when you're apparently in the same situation. Oh 1998, you make me laugh.
Home Alone - If you can't watch this movie and get into the Christmas spirit, something is wrong with you. Okay fine, so it was filmed in the burbs, but it is still Chicago-area. Unlike...
Adventures in Babysitting - Which was supposed to take place in Chicago but the majority of which was filmed in Toronto, including the epic scene at the Silver Dollar Room, where they get on stage and sing the Babysitting Blues. I feel deceived.
The Fugitive - One of my all time favorite movies - every time it is on TBS or whatever, I watch it.
Last but not least:
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Apparently, anyone who doesn't love this movie is a communist.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles was also filmed in Chicago. They shaving creamed the street behind mine to make it look like snow. Another great film filmed in the Northern Suburbs Uncle Buck.